Attendance & Holidays


Please let school know if your child is unable to come to school, even if the absence is only half a day. We will phone you or send you a text if we do not have a reason for the absence.
We understand that children are sometimes going to be ill during the school year (though we do have a few who manage 100% attendance!) but please ensure your children come to school regularly unless they are ill. Children who miss school regularly struggle to keep up with their work and find it difficult to keep friendships.
If your child becomes ill at school we will always contact parents/carers. (Please let us know if your phone number changes).

Holidays in Term Time

Regular school attendance is essential if pupils are to maximise their educational opportunities. The Local Authority and Sharrow School has a responsibility to provide the best education possible, but we can only do this if pupils attend regularly. Taking time out of school for holidays can be disruptive; it can also be difficult for pupils to catch up on work missed. While we understand the difficulties of living away from families, the government does not allow schools to authorise absence for children missing school during term time for holidays.

The Department of Education (DfE) have recently issued updated guidance that states:

The current law does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must be in exceptional circumstances and the Head teacher must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave.

Parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school.

Therefore the Head teacher may only consider giving permission for a pupil to be absent from school in term time in ‘exceptional circumstances’ and proof will be requested by the Headteacher.

If you are considering taking your child out of school in term time, you must come and talk to the Headteacher. Forms to request holidays in term time must be filled in. School places can only be held for a limited time and children may then be taken off our register. Children who miss school, frequently fail to make expected progress

Sharrow School is committed to raising the profile of attendance and its link to achievement.  It is important therefore that you work with us by ensuring that your child attends school on time, every day.